May 18, 2018
What a whirlwind. Cleaning up from Savannah Mega Comic Con - this year, as always was a blast! I have some new things made fresh at the con, and a few things that are no longer available that were here on the site - these will be updated as soon as I have a free moment to confirm my inventory!
I am now on Patreon! You can use the button to the left to become a Patron to support me in my journey, even if you are unable to commission me or if you like my work and want to support it, but nothing I currently have fits your style! Every little bit helps me on my way to new and better things!
Still Coming:
~*~ New Products - I have not been idle while the site has been down - MANY new products will be available - including:
~*~ New Category! - I have decided that "Necklaces" and "Pendants" should be separate. The Pendants section will go up soon.
As always, thank you for pardoning my dust! More to come very soon!
Some people have hobbies. Some people have businesses.
My hobby of making jewelry, accessories, and other oddities has blossomed into something in between.
Welcome to the little corner of the internet where I display my work, and where I offer you the opportunity to purchase my work.
To view a bit of my gallery, and the colors I work in, please use the links to the left.
Welcome, and please enjoy your visit!